Update: 3.10.2018

Greetings and Salad Dressings!

I am proud to announce the release of 2 new Episodes for the Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game; Episode 6 - The Ties That Bind and Episode 7 - Where Secrets Lie.

Also, we have several Dark Aeons Episodes that are now available on Print on Demand at DriveThruRPG; Episode 1 - Close Call, Episode 3 - What Lies Beyond..., and Episode 6 - The Ties That Bind.







Bree Orlock
Managing Editor


  Update: 8.20.2012

"The Spaces In Between" is running for your listening pleasure…

Current set is Steampunk Themed

You can also catch The Spaces In Between on Itunes Radio at:
http://s13.myradiostream.com:6798/ Use Control + U and then copy and paste the URL for the Stream into Itunes and it will come in :)

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 4.18.2012

Dark Aeons: On A Personal Note...

For months now I have been doing what I can to build a good reputation between Stardust Publications and its fan base. I have frequented public gaming forums and chats and given away thousands of dollars worth of free products to the gamers at large.

Today I found out through a friend in the industry that I was being publicly insulted at a gaming website ( http://PenAndPaperGames.com) in their public chat room no less. Just to make things clear, I have never hidden the fact that I'm transgendered from the industry at large and anyone that I take the time to chat with. But today was truly over the top. I'm not going to repeat the comments that were made there, but what I can say is that until I get a formal and PUBLIC apology from the offenders at http://PenAndPaperGames.com, I will not be returning there to give away anymore free products.

In the real world, the things that people do and say have benefits and consequences. In this case, the offensive statements of a handful have gotten an entire game website added to our ban list.

The world around you is full of people with different appearances and personal lifestyles. There are far more transgendered people in the world than you might think and making offensive comments about us only spreads a message of hate and intolerance. Transgendered people have enough struggles to worry about in life without people making it harder on us. Until today, I had thought I was able to break through that barrier of hate and intolerance in the world, but today I got a good reminder of it.

So my word of advice to everyone is be careful of the comments that you make in public about people, because there is always a chance that those comments will get back to the person or persons that you were talking badly about.


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 3.21.2012

Dark Aeons: Arkham: City of Secrets Kickstarter


The Arkham: City of Secrets source book is Stardust Publications first in a series of source books. Within the Arkham book, you will find information detailing the Legend-Haunted city of Arkham from the writings of the immortal, H.P. Lovecraft, through the lens of the Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game.

The Atlantean community of Arkham will be discussed at length within the book, as will its undead population (Lilans, Revenants and Thralls). The book will also have a full map of Arkham and some of its surrounding area.

We at Stardust Publications have been working on this project for about 2 years now, and due to some set backs within the company, we have decided to put the ultimate fate of the Arkham book in the hands of the fans for the Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game.

Should we get the funding that we are asking for, we expect to have the book released by around August 30th of 2013, which should give us more than enough time to handle the additional writing, editing, and art work that is needed to complete the book.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 3.18.2012

Dark Aeons: Stardust Publications Online goes Live!

Thats right folks, we have finally gotten around to getting our own forums for discussions of our product lines. This does not mean that the DAEL email list will be going away, but this will give those of you that don't like email lists the ability to take part in the Dark Aeons experience through the new forums.


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 3.17.2012

Dark Aeons: New Releases!

Within this Weapons Guide for the Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game you will find a collection of new and old handguns, machine pistols, machine gun, and heavy weapons to be used to really bring the war to those that would oppose your Personas and also to use against your Casts as a Director. Also included are some advanced and heavy weapons for the Obsidian Group, as well as the Corporate Mercenary Advantages.

This Weapons Guide will continue to be updated as time goes by, so once purchased, all the customer needs to do is download updated copies of this Weapons Guide as it is updated.


The Shifters are a new Persona Template for the Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game. The Shifters are an ancient race of shape changers that has walked the earth since the dawn of the world.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 1.03.2012

Dark Aeons: New Releases!

Fire from the Sky: Tales of Legend-Haunted Arkham #5


Dreams of the Deep: Tales of Legend-Haunted Arkham #4


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 12.13.2011

Dark Aeons: New Releases!

Close Call: Tales of Legend-Haunted Arkham #1


Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?: Tales of Legend-Haunted Arkham #2


What Lies Beyond...: Tales of Legend-Haunted Arkham #3

Dark Aeons Conflict Resolution Deck


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 11.07.2011

Dark Aeons: A New Dark Age - Teaser: Court of Roses Logo

After playing with my art pad, we finally have a logo for the Atlantean Court of Roses. Enjoy!


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 11.01.2011



Happy reading to all those that got a free PDF copy of Dark Aeons.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor

Update: 10.31.2011

Just a reminder to everyone that might have been riding the fence about whether or not to get one of the free PDF copies of Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles. As of Midnight on October 31st, the free Dark Aeons PDF book promotion will need.


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor

Update: 10.31.2011

Random Moments - Go Summon Up The Dead Ones

This song is from the album: A Very Scary Solstice by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical society. Their website: www.cthulhulives.org

Harley Got Devoured by the Undead

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor

Update: 10.30.2011

Random Moments - I'm dreaming of a dead city

This song is from the album: A Very Scary Solstice by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical society. Their website: www.cthulhulives.org


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 10.14.2011

Dark Aeons: A New Dark Age - Teaser: The Seraphim

I know that a bunch of you were asking when is Bree going to post something new in the Dark Aeons News. Well here it is. We have a new and incredibly talented Artist that will be doing some art for use for the Dark Aeons: A New Dark Age setting book. We would like to welcome Bradley K. McDevitt to the Stardust Publications family. He is a freelance artist that does a far amount of great art for Goodman Games and a few other companies and we consider ourselves very lucky to have his talented hands working on this new project.

So without further adieu, I present to you the Seraphim. What we can say about the Seraphim is they are the product of decades of genetic research on the part of Project Genesis. The Seraphim are very much modern cousins to the Atlantean born Nephilim.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor

Update: 08.21.2011

Awesome Moments - Cthulhu Funtime Episodes 1, 2, 3, & 4

You have to see this!

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor

Update: 08.21.2011

Random Moments - Concrete Blonde!

I love this band!

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor

Update: 08.20.2011

Random Moments - Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla Doubleshot!

For all you old school sci-fi fans :)

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor

Update: 08.19.2011

Random Moments - Nena; feat. Kim Wilde

I absolutely love Nena's music, and this song is great.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 08.18.2011

Bashcon 2011 - Dark Aeons Photos & Movie

Okay, I took the time today to upload the Dark Aeons video to You Tube that was taken at this past years Bashcon 2011. There are also a bunch of photos from Bashcon 2011, all of it is in the Photos and Movies section of the website.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 08.17.2011

Random Moments - MC Chris!

For all of you Ninja fanatics out there, here ya go :)

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 08.16.2011

Random Moments - It's the TAMILATOR!!!!

I found this video on the net from a foreign film....Ummmmm....Wow....

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 08.15.2011

Random Moments - MC Chris!

And another fun piece of music by MC Chris, Emo Party.


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 08.14.2011

Random Moments - Gary Jules!

This is the video for the Gary Jules cover of the Tears for Fears song; Mad World. Ironically this song was picked as the theme song for Dark Aeons: A New Dark Age, because it seems to represent the themes and feel of the setting better than any song that we have come across.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor














  Update: 08.14.2011

Random Moments - Razakel!

Here is some Razakell, her style is whats called Horrorcore for those not in the know.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 08.14.2011

Random Moments - MC Frontalot!

And Here is a double shot of MC Frontalot. I hope you all enjoy this!

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 08.14.2011

Random Moments - Panic at the Disco!

From those of you that have chatted with me, you should know by now that I'm a girl that loves her music. With that in mind I'm going to post some music videos here and there on this page to end the boredom in between my real updates.


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 08.14.2011

From the Archives

When I was looking through the archives here at Stardust Publications, I happened upon this old map of the Imperium Territories in Europe.


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 07.30.2011

Arrr! There be Pirates sailing in these Waters!

Greetings and Salad Dressings!

Well we knew that it would eventually happen...we just weren't sure when it would be. Today one of our Developers for Dark Aeons found the 2 core books for the Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game on a Torrent site. The offending torrent site was Demonoid.Me. We know the user name (GryphonCompanion)and first name of the user is Kevin (Kevin's Blog). Based on our sign-in sheets from Origins 2009, we know that it was a prize winner that is responsible of this digital piracy.

The question I have to ask then is this; If you like the gaming industry and you want to see it continue producing games...why would you willingly steal from a company when you know that in the end, you the consumer, will be hurt in the long run?

We are taking steps to have the offending torrent file removed from Demonoid and are contacting the other aggrieved publishing companies to notify them that their intellectual property has been pirated as well by the same user.

With the Free Dark Aeons RPG offer that we have right now, no one has an excuse to pirate our Dark Aeons books.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor


  Update: 07.30.2011


Greetings & Salad Dressings!

For a limited time, we are giving away free PDF copies of the Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game through DriveThruRPG.

Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles is a Role-Playing Game of Lovecraftian Horror and Machiavellian Intrigue. Below is the description from back to the Dark Aeons Core Book.

All those that would like a copy of Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles need only email the Managing Editor at the following email address to receive their free PDF book:


Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles is a Lovecraftian roleplaying game set in a world of dark secrets and ancient legacies. In this dark reflection of our own world, it is the descendants of the survivors of Lost Atlantis that rule from the shadows, and ancient immortals still roam the earth, walking in shadow and light. 

In this world, the creatures of the night roam the streets thirsting for the blood of the living; the dead return from the grave in the bodies of the hopeless in order to live out the lives that death’s cruel embrace denied them. 
In this world, Sorcerers and Psychics are real; some trying to free from the world from the horrors of the Mirror World and the Abyss, while others are attempting to usher in a new dark age where humanity lives truly at the whims of demonic entities and the Old Ones.  
In this world, the powers of the Faithful give hope to a dark world, while the Mundanes  attempt to live out their lives struggling from day to day to survive in a world that seems  out to get them. 
The Center Stage Game System is a diceless role-playing game system that has been designed to allow Actors to portray their Persona in both tabletop and live-action modes of play. The system requires a regular deck of playing cards that includes the Jack, Queen, King and Jokers for conflict resolution.


Bree Orlock
Managing Editor


  Update: 07.19.2011

Next Setting Era for Dark Aeons Universe Coming Soon!

Greetings and Salad Dressings! Here are 6 possible Cover Designs that we have for Dark Aeons: A New Dark Age.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor


  Update: 07.12.2011

Next Setting Era for Dark Aeons Universe Coming Soon!

Greetings and Salad Dressings! Thats right, we are finally willing to confirm that we have a follow-up setting era for the Dark Aeons Universe. Below are a few block titles that we are considering using for Dark Aeons: A New Dark Age.

I know many of you are asking what it is going to be about....well...I can confirm a few things. We will be advancing the Dark Aeons Universe about 50-something years into the future. There will be lots of surprises for those of you that love those damned Atlanteans. There will be at least one new Persona Template added to the listing of available playable Persona Types.

When is it coming? We hope to have it out between 3rd and 4th Quarter of 2012.  Regardless, the plan is to have it out and available for purchase by Yule of 2012.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update: 07.01.2011

Back on Track!

Greetings and Salad Dressings! My name is Bree and I am the new Managing Editor for Stardust Publications. I know that many of you have been asking the question of whether or not to give up on Dark Aeons ever getting any new support. I can tell you now that Dark Aeons is finally back on track. As a gesture of good faith on my part I have posted a listing of Hand Guns for Dark Aeons that was hiding away in our archives as a Free Download. Eventually the material from this Free Download will appear in the upcoming Dark Aeons Companion book, but for now I thought it best to wet your appetites for some new material to use in your games.

I know some of you have been asking "Is Brian still in the picture?" and I can say yes. He has had some serious family problems that he is still dealing with...one of which is he recently became a single parent and he does have custody of his son. So that is a whole mess of work. I do know that right now he is working on new material for the upcoming Dark Aeons Companion and the Arkham: City of Secrets books. So in the near future I should be getting those materials on my desk within the next month or two.

Past that, not sure what else I can tell you for now. So stay tuned...I can say there is some really cool stuff coming in the future for Dark Aeons.

Bree Orlock
Managing Editor
  Update (05.10.2010) ORIGINS UPDATES!

Hey there folks!

Just got finished speaking with Sammi from Origins, we have had to cut some of the events that we were planning to run at the convention due to the low turn out at the times that they were scheduled for. But this shouldn't effect you folks too badly, as the only evening event to get cut was one on Thursday. We cut away the morning events for Wednesday, so there will only be the evening events on Wednesday. The Sunday morning games were cut away too due to the fact that last year no one bothered to attend those.

On the good side, we have just as many events as we host last year at Origins. This year we will be hosting the Dark Aeons LARP on Saturday evening 9pm to 1:45am. We have 20 Actor slots listed for it, but it will be possible for us to take on a few more Cast members before we close the event to new Actors.


  Update (05.03.2010): ORIGINS UPDATES!

Hey there folks!

I finally have an update for you folks that were planning on playing in the Cthulhu International / Dark Aeons Events that we have planned for Origins 2010. The Events Schedule was revised slightly due to one of our Directors (GMs) having to pull out of the convention due to family obligations; but that should effect those that wish to play in our events all that much. We always have room enough for up to 9 Actors (players); although the Origins people will tell you that it maxs out at 8 Actors (players), we do have Personas enough for that 9th Actor.

I am currently working on the Dark Aeons LARP as we speak, so we should have enough room for up to 20 Actors (players) for that event, and if we get more Actors than what we planned for, then a Director will quickly help you through Persona Creation to get you out there and playing. The theme that we have for the Dark Aeons LARP is a dance club, so expect some pretty hopping music for the duration of the event.


  Update (03.25.2010): The Cthulhu International Die Hard Gamer Awards!

Hey there folks,

This year will be adding some new awards to our show at Origins; the Die Hard Gamer Awards and the King of the Die Hard Gamer Award. Below are the rules for how it all works:

In order to qualify to earn one of the coveted Cthulhu International Die Hard Gamer Awards; an Actor or Actress must attend no fewer than 2 Episodes during the course of the Convention and accumulate no less than 70 Tickets during the course of those Episodes that they participated in. Starting at the begining of the first day the Directors will be tracking who is earning how many Tickets and how many Episodes that they are participating in. On the second day of the convention the Executive Director will begin awarding Die Hard Gamer Awards to those that meet the above criteria. All of the Die Hard Gamer Awards shall be give out to the Actors and Actresses at an Awards Ceremony that shall be held on the last day of the convention where the Actor or Actress will have their Photo taken with their award and they will be given one of the Cthulhu International Travel Journals to take with them on their journey home.

The King of the Die Hard Gamers is the Actor or Actress that has shown through sheer determination and stamina that they truly are a Die Hard Gamer that has no equal. These Actors and Actresses make a point of appearing in all of the Dark Aeons Episodes that they can possibly play in, and through their creativity, quick thinking, and sense of humor they helped all of those around them to enjoy their role-playing experience.

In order to qualify for the King of the Die Hard Gamers Award, the Actor or Actress must have already qualified to earn one of the Die Hard Gamer Awards, they have attended most of the Episodes (at least 5 Episodes) that are being run throughout the convention, and they have earned a total of no less than 250 Tickets (or more) throughout the course of the convention. The King of the Die Hard Gamers Award shall be give out to the Actor or Actress at an Awards Ceremony that shall be held on the last day of the convention where the Actor or Actress will have their Photo taken with their award and they will be taking home with them a signed copy of the Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game.

(In order to get these awards the Actors and Actresses will need to be present at the Awards Ceremony on the last day of the convention.)



Update (03.25.2010): Origins Events Schedule

Hey there folks,

I figured that it was time to come onto the Dark Aeons Email List and let everyone know that all of the events that we're planning to run this year at Origins have been submitted and approved. We have a few freshman GMs/Directors that will be running Dark Aeons Events this year, I would like to welcome; Daniel Pilgrim, Andrew Adkins, and James P. Paddock, to the Dark Aeons / Cthulhu International GM staff for Origins 2010.  In the event that the folks at Origins some how screw up the Dark Aeons Events schedule like they did last year, we will once again be posting our events schedule to our room door and our Heralds of Darkness will be periodically wandering about the walk ways of Origins telling convention goes when Episodes are about to start, or if there are still openings in Episodes that have just begun.

Here is a Schedule for the Dark Aeons Events that we plan to be running at Origins, along with the GM/Director that will be running the events:



  • Episode 1 (3pm to 8:45pm) - Brian J Baker (Director)
  • Episode 1 (10am to 2:45pm) - Brian J Baker (Director)
  • Episode 2 (3pm to 8:45pm) - James P. Paddock (Director)
  • Episode 2 (11am to 3:45pm) - James P. Paddock (Director)
  • Episode 3 (3pm to 8:45pm) - Brian J Baker (Director)
  • Episode 4 (3pm to 8:45pm) - James P. Paddock (Director)



  • Episode 1 (10am to 2:45pm) - Brian J Baker (Director)
  • Episode 1 (10am to 2:45pm) - Brian J Baker (Director)
  • Episode 2 (11am to 3:45pm) - James P. Paddock (Director)
  • Episode 2 (10am to 2:45pm) - James P. Paddock (Director)
  • Episode 3 (3pm to 8:45pm) - Brian J Baker (Director)
  • Episode 3 (3pm to 8:45pm) - Brian J Baker (Director)
  • Episode 4 (5pm to 10:45pm) - James P. Paddock (Director)
  • Episode 4 (3pm to 8:45pm) - James P. Paddock (Director)
  • Episode 5 (6pm to 11:45pm) - Andrew Adkins (Director)
  • Episode 5 - Dark Aeons LARP (9pm to 1:45am) - Brian J Baker (Executive Director), Andrew Adkins, James P. Paddock (Directors)


Awards Ceremony (3pm to 4pm)

  Update (03.03.2010): Looking for Directors for Origins
Due to a last minute cancellation on the part of one of the Directors that was planning to run Dark Aeons Episodes for us at Origins, we are left with an opening for a Director to come in a run the scheduled Episodes. If we do not find a Director for these Episodes, we will be forced to remove them from our Origins events schedule. There is approximately 32 hours worth of events in the Episodes that the Director was planning to run for us, here is the Schedule for them:

Thursday: 11am to 4pm (1st Episode), 4:30pm to 10:30pm (2nd Episode)
Friday: 11am to 4pm (1st Episode), 4:30pm to 10:30pm (2nd Episode)
Saturday: 10am to 3pm (1st Episode), 4pm to 9pm (2nd Episode)
It is possible for us to break up the Episodes into 16 hour blocks, which would allow for 2 Directors that were already planning to attend Origins to get in for free; or a single 32 hour block that would allow 1 Director to get in to Origins for free and it would allow them to qualify for the comped free hotel room (shared with up to 3 other GMs).
Those interested in Directing Episodes for us at Origins can contact us at: STARDUST.PUBLICATIONS@GMAIL.COM

Update (03.01.2010): Well folks, we finally have the Dark Aeons Website up and operational. In the coming weeks you will be seeing alot more in the way of updates from us on this website; free extras, news about upcoming Dark Aeons products, etc.

What we can say so far is we expect to have the Psychics Handbook finished by the end of March and hopefully out to you folks by April 10th at the latest. After the Psychics Handbook is out the door, we'll be getting back to work on the Arkham; City of Secrets setting book that we have had in the works. Don't give up hope, it takes time to produce a quality product.

Also, for those of you have may have been waffling about picking up a copy of the Dark Aeons core book; a few weeks ago we finished revising it, reformatting it, and it is now available for purchase through our normal purchase links. Grammar errors in the Setting Chapter were found and corrected. Psychics ended up getting a few more Psychic Disciplines, vague areas in the System Mechanics chapter were cleaned up and we did add a few more Abyssal Manifestations for Directors to work with. The Sorcery & Religious Rituals chapter got cleaned up and some of the Spells ended up with higher durations. The Allies & Antagonists Section saw the most work, this is where we cleaned it up and inserted a generic template for all of the Allies & Antagonists stat lines; in effect we have made it much easier to read and use the stats that were provided in the book. The overall page count of the book dropped from 446 pages to 410, but make no mistake; you are losing nothing in this revised edition of Dark Aeons.